Using numerous baits at west bexington and we caught a few nice fish but the lure fishing made it even more fun with mackerel and garfish giving great sport
The Trout Fisherman’s Equipment – Part 1
"Hey Charlie, cut me another willow, will yer? Ol’ Scarface just took my hook, line, and the top three feet of my pole." I won’t say those days are all gone but they’re gasping feebly. Today there are few fishermen who do not have the semblance of an outfit. Rods, reels, lines and terminal tackle are more or less standardized even though the range between good and indifferent equipment is on the increase.
How to Land Fish From a Kayak or SUPA quick start reference on landing fish from a kayak or SUP. How to land a fish using a net or gaff. Equipment advise and strategies for putting fish in your boat.
The Trout Fisherman’s Equipment – Part 2Wouldn’t it be pleasant, once anyway, to go out on your favorite stream accompanied by your caddy carrying the rod bag with rods for every purpose all set up for you? You study the lie (of the fish, not the ball) and you call for…
Eagle Fish Finder – Why You Should Buy OneIf you are an avid fishing enthusiast you deserve the best, you deserve one of the great Eagle Fish Finders. Let me explain why you do.
How To Catch Trout – Tips For Choosing The Best Trout BaitWhether you are new to the world of trout fishing or are wondering how to catch more and/or bigger trout, many times the key to success lies in using the best trout bait. The problem is that the best trout bait to use on a given day will vary from situation to situation and there isn’t one particular type of bait that will be effective every time that you fish for trout.