A bad days fishing beats a day at work

The water colour (chocolate)
The temperature too low

Did I get a fish .. well sort of πŸ˜‚

Fishing Charters – Four Things To Bring With You

Thinking of heading out for a day on the water with one of the leading fishing charters in your area? To make sure it’s as memorable as it should be, there are four things you should remember to bring with you as you go a-casting.

Fishing Charters – Finding a Great One

Fishing charters can make for an excellent component of a vacation, or they can be the center point of a getaway on their own. There are three steps you should take if you want to have an unforgettable time.

Fishing – Get the Most Out of Your Trip

Whether you’re planning to spend the day on the banks of a local watering hole or taking a trip out with an experienced charter captain, fishing comes with numerous rewards for those who take the time to enjoy their experience. There are some things you should bring on your trip.

Tips on Spin Fishing For Trout

If you enjoy spin fishing for trout, this article is for you. Great tips and techniques to use the next time that you fish for trout with spinning gear.

Trout Fishing Tips and Tricks to Catch Beautiful Trout

Improve your chances of hooking up with stocked rainbow trout your next time out. Follow these tactics, tips and tricks to fishing success, more trout and a better fishing trip.

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