Fishing trip at pinewood in Colorado.

Save Panther Lake

“Panther Lake will sink into the ground in twenty years” claims Kent Mayor Suzette Cook. What a tragedy, what a disaster. No public official or agency is willing to reach out to protect this precious public asset. I think the political leaders are unable to see the breathtaking splendor dancing before them. They choose instead to look at financial obligations. The State of Washington dumped a natural disaster package that included the stunning jewel of the Benson Corridor on an unsuspecting Boundary Review Board and ultimately on a Municipality. However, there is a much more pressing problem for Panther Lake and the people who canoe, swim, fish, play and breathe air.

Fall-Run Steelhead

Hold on folks, I know the salmon run is starting to taper off but we’re just getting started, so don’t hang up your gear just yet, the steelhead are coming. I still remember fishing when I was a kid up around Georgian Bay and practically salivating waiting for the Steelhead to start moving into the rivers and I still get that feeling every year about this time. These guys have always been my favourite and if you’ve yet to hook one of these bad boys, man you’re missing out! So let’s talk fall Steelhead.

The Benefits of a Fast Action Fly Rod

Understanding the action of a fly rod can be very helpful in improving your fly fishing experience. There are some great benefits to using a fast action fly rod…

Fly Line

When you think about it, it’s kind of funny or maybe amazing that such a seemingly simple part of a fly fisher’s gear, the line, is so important. The right line size impacts just about everything: how it loads the rod, the cast, the kind of fish, and how the fly is presented.

Solo Fishing

Having grown up in the flat lands of the south all I fished were lakes. My parents had a couple acres on a lake and I spent my formative years fishing for large-mouth bass and blue gill. My methods must have seemed primitive by many people’s standards.

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