Fly Gear Review ­ Fly Tying Micro Olive Jig Wooly Bugger

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Giving Parents a Return on Sporting Investment

As parents, we teach our children they can be anything they ever want to be. However, some overzealous parents are, or are on the cusp of looking at their child as a financial investment on which they must get good returns.

Three Easy Ways to Improve Your Trap Shooting Skills

Shotgun sports have been around for centuries, dating back to the mid 1700’s in England, and are still some of the most popular events for international competition and recreational shooting alike. Trap shooting is the oldest of these sports, which involves shooting clay birds from five locations behind the trap house. The trap is an electromechanical device that randomly throws a bird in different directions, presenting a challenge for the participants. Typical events are based on 25 rounds per shooter, five at each of the five stations behind the trap house. While the concept is simple (shoot clay birds when it’s your turn), consistently hitting a moving target is another story. Here are three tips on how to improve your trap game (none of which involve buying more expensive equipment).

How To Play Netball In Social Netball Clubs

Netball is a popular game of teams competing with seven members each. It has become very popular especially in Australia as many people treat it as a fun way to exercise, make friends and socialize. However, one of the problems that a person who want to play netball faces is finding members for his team.

Sports In Space Will Increase Brain Function for Crew During Long-Term Missions

Not long ago, our think tank was discussing the future of sports in space and why it would be needed. You see, being forced to stay in a space craft it would be hard to get the exercise needed to maintain a healthy body – sitting around a lot would just cause quickened degradation of the body. Is there something we can do about this? Yes, I believe so, we need some sort of competitive sports.

Not A Sports Fan? Here’s Why This Might Be Even Better

You do not have to be a sports fan or sports enthusiast to be successful wagering on sporting events. Lifelong professional gambler shows how it could actually work in your favor.

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